
There IS Hope for Your Marriage!

This past Sunday, Michael and I concluded our most recent Marriage Victory Intensive. How we wish we could fully express to you how amazing it was; the incredible breakthroughs that took place for each of the couples and the taste of renewed hope that God poured upon them as they left. We've tried to give you a feel in this weeks Testimony Tuesday video and below you'll find two testimonies from one of the couples who were with us this past weekend.

Our next Marriage Victory Intensive will be April 29 - May 2, 2010. You don't have to continue to live in pain or just survive or even just stay together in misery for the sake of the your children.

There IS Hope For Your Marriage! You CAN both be Outrageously Happy!

Michael & Annalea, thank you for being such willing vessels for the Lord's work. A month before we came, my husband started reading Kathy and Joel's books and I started seeing a change. I truly believe a miracle has taken place in my husband's heart. I have hope for the first time in our 8 years of marriage. Thank you for helping us restore our marriage. You will forever be a part of our lives! ~ Rhea

The Lord has used Michael & Annalea to save our marriage. I was blind but now I see...I have been faced with truth to expose the life of pain I have brought upon my beautiful wife. The truth has set me free to love my most precious possession (my wife) and God's baby girl in the way she has always longed for and has desired to receive from me. We love you guys and you were the hand of God to rescue me. ~ Greg


Marriage Intensive Happening This Weekend

Tomorrow evening begins our next Marriage Victory Intensive. We have three couples coming for four days to learn how to restore their marriage and become Outrageously Happy with one another and in their marriage. We'd like to ask all of our readers to pray for each couple as well as for Michael and me as we speak into the lives of these precious people.

We know that God is the god of restoration, healing and wholeness and we know that were there is willingness and a teachable spirit, new and good fruit can be harvested.

And remember, if we can do it....They Can Do It Too and So Can You!

In Jesus Name!


Tomorrow Could Be Too Late

We can't tell you how many wives we talk with who've known for months - years even - that their marriages were in serious jeopardy. Women who's husbands ignore them, degrade them, are in affairs, verbally and emotionally abuse them....the list goes on and these are marriages of believers.

Sadly, being a believer doesn't exempt us from these kinds of troubles but in a way, and in my opinion, they make them more....baffling because we should know better right?

One would think. Yet a divorce rate that equals - and at time surpasses - marriages of non-believers begs to be noticed. Thinking that the large elephant sitting in your living room (in fact, following you around wherever you go) can be ignored if you give it a wide enough berth each time you pass by will solve nothing.

It's time to start dealing with this now and we can help....we want to help! And you can begin to get some tonight by dialing into our weekly marriage ministry call at 7pm (pst); dial-in information is in the side bar.

Believe me, Michael and I have been there and experienced many of the same things you may have: abusive families or origin, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, drugs, alcohol, sexual addictions, fear of intimacy, passive/aggressive behavior, financial loss, divorce, death, blended family...


You don't have to do this alone. We love you, we believe in you, we'll stand in the trenches with you because we know what it's like to feel alone and hopeless.


Slaying the Silent Knight

Passive/Aggressive men or, as we like to call them, Silent Knights, are some of the most verbally and emotionally abusive husbands and are often the hardest to reach. On the outside, these husbands are great with tasks and are often perceived by others as a great guy and in many respects they are. These same men often have such a deep fear of intimacy that they will wrap themselves up in busy work to avoid any type of emotional bond with their wife....children....extended family....anyone who requires their heart to be involved. Because these husbands are great at other things that his wife needs and that are important in the marriage, she often feels wrong for even bringing up the sorrow that she feels because of the emotional disconnect ~ and her passive/aggressive husband will validate this wrong feeling with making her feel bad because of all he does.

It's a tricky situation.

Today we speak on this subject which, truth be told, we could talk on for many hours....days in fact and - if you get on any of the weekly calls - Wednesday nights are specifically geared towards the passive/aggressive husband.

Speaking of calls, we hop you'll join us this evening at 7pm (pst - dialing information in the sidebar) for our weekly marriage ministry call. Don't worry about being on right at 7 either as these calls often go on until 11pm, 12pm...sometimes until 1am as needed.

There are still 3 open spots for next weeks Marriage Victory Intensive so just give us a call if you want to register.

Be blessed!


How A Wife Deals With Her Issues

Welcome back video testimonies!!! We've missed bringing these to you each week and are happy to be back on track with them. Still working out a bit of visual kinks which we hope to make better over time but we're thankful and hope you'll continue to be blessed by these and get a better feel of who Michael and I are and what we've gone through, and continue to go through, in our restoration process.

One of the big things we've learned through this ministry is that many of the issues a wife has (past and/or current 'baggage') get taken care of as her husband brings healing to her heart and the marriage and that anything left over she will work on with the Lord. I'm definitely there in this part of our journey. Today's video talks about what this looks like for us both and how a husband can support his wife in this process.

Remember to join us tonight at 7 pm (pst) for our free weekly marriage ministry call. Dial in information can be found to the right in the side bar and it's totally fine if you just wish to mute out your phone and listen in, especially if you're a first time caller.

Our next Marriage Victory Intensive is happening in Anaheim, CA February 18-21. There are still 4 spots available so give us a call if you'd like to get registered to attend! We'd love to meet you and stand in the trenches with you and your spouse as you walk out your own marriage restoration!
