
Apologizing From The Heart...

We had an awesome Intensive last week! Thanks to all of you who were praying for the couples who attended and us ~ we definitely felt it! As we always do after an Intensive, Michael and I tucked into each other's hearts, rested, spent time with our children, played ~ I got to do some crafting which you can check out here ~ and generally...regrouped. We're good to go now!

For Testimony Tuesday, we wanted to talk about apologizing from the heart and the role this plays in getting a restored marriage. If you've ever apologized to someone just so that you could go back and say, "I said I was sorry," or to cover your own pain & shame so that you could hurry up and move on or, and this is a big one, just because you got caught; then you've only apologized to make yourself feel better, not the person you've hurt.

In marriage restoration, apologizing from the heart is huge and something that really needs to take place in order for healing and closure to be present. This week, we talk about what that looks like, what it means, and how to do it. And remember guys, as initiators, it begins with you.

We hope to have you join us on our ministry call this evening (info is to the right on the sidebar) and be sure to let us know that you're listening in. We'd love to connect with you!


  1. Thank you for the help. Your message brings some clarity as to why after his "I'm sorry" leaves me feeling empty. I know you guys were working with us on the empathy and need to press into this.

    LOVE the natural look!


  2. Hi Annalea,

    I came across your blog from another blog I was visiting. What a pleasant surprise to see a blog dedicated to Christian marriages! Marriage has been a ministry of mine. I taught a marriage bible study a year or so ago, and God has blessed me as a result. I've been married 20 years, and have experienced many, many, many challenges. Did I say many? :-) I've been a prayer warrior for my marriage and the marriages of others. And I like to encourage women who are going through tough times to tell them what God can do in their hearts and in their husband's hearts.

    I am now a follower of your blog. I welcome you to visit my blog. I started a devotional writing blog in August. I combine my writing with my photography for the glory of God through Jesus Christ. I definitely will be visiting your blog and reading the posts. Thank you!

